
Software development is hard. Sure, there are things that can make your live easier (e.g. Containers or ubiquitous language), but sadly there is "No Silver Bullet" as Frederick P. Brooks Jr. concludes in this 16-pager. With our advance in technology, development becomes easier and faster. But some things may not bring the redemption we hoped they were (like "automatic" programming code or even OOP and somewhat newer AI).
One of the more promising members of the redemption-club is the "Great Designer" (p.15) of the software system. They build software "faster, smaller, simpler, cleaner […] with less effort". Today, we call someone with the skillset described by Brooks a "software architect".

In 2019, I went to a great Summit in Munich where Trisha Gee (@trisha_gee) held the key note about required skillset for a software architect. I want to share her insights mixed with my views here:

Master of communication

The software architect is a master of communication. Obviously, this is not limited to verbal communication, but also includes writing skills. Writing does not stop with good programming and documentation skills. Things that matter are e-mails, slack and twitter! Asking questions like "what are we building?" and "what skills does the team have?" are as important as listening to the answers and translating it into software.

"Your code does not speak to the machine. It speaks to the next one who reads it!"

Talk to different people. Talk to developers, domain experts and users. Try to get a feel for their problems, challenges and constrains within their domain.

Adaptability & open minded-ness

Be openminded! There are a thousand views on a simple topic. Users und domain experts might change their minds rapidly, technology and processes change. It is your job to order things, estimate the impact and derive actions.

It’s not the year of K8s!

No, Kubernetes, AI and agile development are not the magic solution to every problem. Always learn what’s needed.

Prioritization & time management

We all work in projects. There is always too much work for too few people – deal with it. Allocate time for yourself. Make a plan for your work, for time at home and absolutely free time. Mental health is an essential part of a "Great Designer". As an architect, your time is limited and valuable. You cannot learn everything, but try to keep up.

Stay technical

Most of the things up until this point are non-technical. But be careful; do not underestimate the "Business Analyst Movement". Trisha points out that especially women are pushed into non-technical and softer roles too often. Don’t become a PM, stay an architect.

Scale out

At some point in the history of software engineering we got to the point where we understood, scaling out may be better than scaling up [Admiral Grace Hopper]. The same applies for great engineers. Instead of just getting better, help others to get better.

If you want to be 10 times more productive, teach 9 people your skillset.

Use "pair programming" more often, but do not stop at development. Do it for deployments and troubleshooting with a DevOps engineer and for domain building with a business analyst. Code reviews and walkthroughs "are not for finding bugs only – they are about sharing information and writing the best system you can". If your company supports it, Trisha recommends 20% time. Another idea to share are book clubs where five people read a book – one or two chapters each and tell the others about key information in their part. This way everybody can get a little knowledge and decide if it’s worth reading the whole thing.

"Nobody knows how good you are! Teaching makes you look good."

There are different ways of teaching and being taught. You can teach in internal, informal (or less formal) sessions during lunch time called

Visit user groups and speak on conferences. As usual, there are pros and cons for each type. Decide what’s the best for you.

If you don’t like sharing with foreigners, share with your colleagues. This way you avoid too narrow specialization and knowledge-silos.

Retention and recruitment

Being a good architect means finding new projects and interesting topics in your environment. That is the easy part. Also, watch out for new colleagues and keep your team(s) happy! Be a good role model, be a paragon for great designers.

Community support

We love stack overflow! We visit conferences and we gather at meetups. You cannot explore every technology yourself – especially not as an emerging architect. You need to consume what the community can provide, but you also need to give back. You can talk about your personal challenges when your first big project failed or you commit to an open source project: maybe there are easy enhancements for your favorite JavaScript library or you build a python wrapper for a public REST API.
Do you like Goldman Sachs? Probably. But aren’t they an evil banking company? Probably. Nevertheless, their developers are vivid contributors to Java libraries. They published their enhanced version of JavaCollections (called GS Collections) and influenced a lot of things like the Java Streaming API.
The same things goes for Microsoft. They open source their .NET Core platform as part of the .NET foundation and publish their code to the best IDE ever created on GitHub.